To uninstall SonicCloud Frisson from your Windows machine, you will need to follow the steps below after you have Quit the app.
- Click the magnifying glass icon on your Windows taskbar. Within the search bar, type in Remove and then select Open under Add or remove programs.
- Next, from the Apps tab, type in SonicCloud in the search bar and scroll down until you find SonicCloud Frisson in the list of programs. Click the three dots and then select Uninstall.
- Click Uninstall on the next pop-up.
- A window will pop up, asking you to allow changes. Click Yes.
- The next window will Disable Device Processing. Click OK for this to take effect.
- The last window will confirm that Device Processing has been disabled. Click OK to complete the uninstall process.
Please note, if you are still having issues uninstalling SonicCloud Frisson, please Submit a Ticket to our Helpdesk!
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